Thanks to ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Simple CRM finds customers for you.
US $15
per month [billed annually]
US $5
per month [billed annually]
US $8
per campaign
US $150
per year
Simple CRM presents the Simple CRM desktop as soon as you connect to the interface. This Office presents (among other things) the day's interactions (tasks and appointments). You therefore have a clear and precise visual of your appointment reminders.
Simple CRM is an online CRM software. You just need a web browser to use it. It is therefore compatible with all your devices. In addition, a mobile application allows you to work offline on phones and tablets.
It is possible to manage several companies through a single Simple CRM instance, including the optional Simple ERP module that allows you to create quotes, purchase orders and invoices.
HaPPi transmits between 4 and 6 potential customers to your sales representatives every day. To do this, it searches for customers in a "Big Data" database that it has created (+/- 30,000,000 company records) on the basis of an "ideal" profile that it has defined for you.
Simple CRM is equipped with a telephone dialing function, dedicated to fixed telephony systems, which also allows the automatic opening of the customer's file, when the customer calls you.
Simple CRM allows the creation of custom fields, called "INTEREST CENTRES". These custom fields allow you to adapt the software to your business. You can then make queries based on these fields.